I can try 🙂  Notice that the scoring example in the packet shows a maximum of 25 points for ‘completion of tasks in separate planes’.  No more than 5 separate planes will be counted for completed tasks (so 5 planes x 5 tasks = maximum of 25 points).  There are 4 sides (or vertical ‘planes’) to a regular box (not counting top or bottom) – those each count as separate ‘planes’.   Tasks would need to be completed ON those 4 separate planes (directly by bob pendulum) in order to get those extra plane points.  Also, the bottom of the box is the 5th and final ‘plane’ that could count for event completion by judges (if bob pendulum directly causes an event to occur on that plane on one of the swings of the pendulum).    No extra points will be provided for the ‘top’ of the box (another horizontal plane).  *Remember that you don’t HAVE to complete tasks on all 5 planes – teams could attempt to complete them on just 1 or 2 if they’d like – striving to get 5 tasks on 5 separate planes just gets teams more points (if successful), makes the problem more challenging for the ‘mind’, and more ‘amazing’ if a team can get it to work right!

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